Friday, December 17, 2010

People who shape our lives

When you first meet a person you start perceiving things about him. These perceptions with time prove either right or wrong.

Most of the times what we think about the person before knowing him turns out totally opposite when we get to know him personally. A person who looks cold hearted, rude and hot headed turns out to be someone as soft as a cotton. Sometimes people whom we hate in the beginning become our favorite and most loved. Our parents, who scold us, criticize us when we do wrong don't do it because they want to hurt us, they do it because they want us to learn. If nobody cared we would never know where we went wrong and where are we supposed to work on ourselves.

Similarly, Teachers are our second parents, they love us just the way our parents do. They take care of us, scold us, criticize us, love us and support us. Our life wouldn't be worth a penny had they not been there for us. Whatever we are today and whatever we will be in future is and will be only because of our teachers/mentors. The way our parents teach us to walk holding our hand our teachers make us walk to compete against the world, to fight, to be different . While doing this they inculcate ethics and values in us. Mostly teachers who are very strict with their students are also ones who love them the most. They shape our lives and try to make it perfect from each angle.

A Teacher is someone who is a guide,support,counselor and motivator to each one of us. More than all of this a teacher is a friend. They guide us towards the right path, motivate us to do better. It is they who make us believe in ourself, they who teach us to keep trying and believe in us. Most of the times, we try harder to achieve a goal just because we know that if we didn’t they would be more hurt than us. When we bring smile on their face it is the moment of satisfaction, we feel we actually achieved something. Their immense faith and trust in us is what makes us work hard and do better each day.

Just like Parents love us unconditionally, our teachers do the same. No matter what you do, they’ll always be there to love you, hold your hand and teach you which path to take. Always there to give you that extra push needed when you think you “can’t” and when they make you believe u “CAN”.

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